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Feeling sad captions/Quotes

Sad Captions & Quotes for your posts

  • Did I change or you stopped loving me? Answer me.
  • She is an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart and a beautiful smile.
  • Why the signs can't sleep.
  • I always felt, UNWANTED.
  • I just want to be happy, not hurt , not confused, not stressed,JUST HAPPY.
  • People do crazy things when their heart gets broken.
  • You ignore, i wait. I ignore you hate.
  • Why did you stop loving me.Because you never started.
  • If two people look happy together,leave them alone.
  • Take me back to the good old days please.
  • Sometimes i wish i can read mind just to see how you feel about me.
  • I need you more than i know.
  • I be like" I'm so lonely" then ignore everybody.
  • Why is that no matter what i do, it was never enough.
  • You broke my heart,but i still love you.
  • People change so fast, Yesterday they cared today they don't.
  • People who hide their pain usually care the most.
  • Sometimes happy memories kill the most.
  • I just want someone to love me,is that enough?
  • I passed my hardest moments alone while everyone believed i was fine.
  • You make me sad but i still want you.
  • Worst feeling?- Watching the one person you want, want someone else.
  • That sleep after you cried your eyes out,hits different.
  • I want to be a person you're scared to lose.
  • You're not afraid of new love,You're afraid of old pain.
  • I feel so stupid when i text you and you never reply.
  • Yes! I am damaged as fuck.
  • Why don't you miss me too?
  • My heart is that big,I ever helped people when i needed help.
  • Love someone so much you treat their heart like it was your own.
  • Never force your importance in someone's life.
  • I don't want to forget our memories.
  • Stop checking your phone, he is not going to text you.
  • I don;t wan anything that doesn't want me.
  • I cried in front of you, believe me, i reached my limit.
  • Never try to turn your friendship into relationship, you'll lose both.
  •  You made me hate myself for loving you.
  • The student in me died in march.
  • If you could read my mind,you would be in tears.
  • Sometimes we do everything right and still fail.
  • Sleeping is so hard when you can't stop thinking.
  • Behind every favorite song there is an Untold Story.
  • If i die, don't cry!
  • I used to be happier,i don't know what happened to me.
  • Waiting wont change things,just accept it's over!
  • Take me back to the days when i slept without overthinking.
  • You can't just touch my soul and leave.
  • Hide your sadness,because no one cares.
  • My room is not only the mess,my life too.
  • I'm sorry i wasn't good enough, but i tried.
  • Care what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
  • I just can't escape my thoughts.
  • Losing your Best friend is the worst.
  • I am not so strong anymore.
  • We are here, sad ,lost & happy.
  • People are POISON.
  • She loved mysteries so much became one.
  • I can't snap my fingers and just "be okay".
  • An year changes a lot.
  • Maybe I was born to be sad.
  • I need a reason to exist.
  • -Memories,oh they cut knives.
  • I wont let you close enough to hurt me.
  • There is nothing more depressing than having it all and still Feeling sad.
  • Who I am? I've never known exactly.
  • I didn't change,You never knew me wisely.
  • ..Or ignore me, that's cool too.
  • Maybe everything was meant to be this way.
  • I dream of you, when i am awake.
  • Sometimes i feel so happy,sometimes i feel sad.
  • We're both liars: He pretend he cares, and I pretend I don't.
  • "I love you, you hate me,how awful is LOVE".
  • All i dream is having a nice life with you.
  • She is the kind of girl that you'll hurt & she'll smile back to you.
  • We all need someone to stay.
  • We are okay! but we are no longer like before.
  • I feel like everything I say comes out.

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